Are you finding yourself stressed over the idea of New Year’s Resolutions? Picking your resolutions and seeing them through can be a challenge, so this year, give this list of 5o simple and smart New Year’s resolution ideas a try instead. These resolutions are easy to implement, yet they are important and productive resolutions that anyone can benefit from. Take a look and see which ones you may want to try!
50 Simple and Smart New Year’s Resolution Ideas
1. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Find a fun water bottle to help you remember.
2. Switch to whole grain breads and crackers for some extra nutrition your body will love.
3. Limit yourself to 3 sweet treats a week.
4. Limit yourself to one soda or coffee drink a day.
5. Skip the drive thru dinners and try cooking together as a family.
6. Get rid of paper products in your home and try for cloth.
7. Volunteer 1 hour a week at a non for profit of your choice.
8. Read to a child who has no one to read to them.
9. Serve dinner once a month at a community kitchen.
10. Take a brisk walk after dinner each night.
11. Do sit ups during commercials.
12. Limit your social media activity to an hour per day.
13. Make your bed each day and see how it sets the tone for the rest of the day.
14. Save your change at the end of the day. Watch it add up and cash it all in after 6 months.
15. Shop with cash whenever possible instead of charge cards.
16. Save your receipts so you can track your spending and make better choices.
17. Be more conscious about turning off lights when not in use.
18. Be more conscious about turning off water when not in use.
19. Practice random acts of kindness. You will feel wonderful inside and others are sure to appreciate it.
20. Relax and enjoy at least 1 book a month. There are so many great books out there waiting for you.
21. Say sorry to someone you have hurt. You will both be able to start healing.
22. Journal your feelings a few times a week.
23. Try a new food you have been curious about. If you try it, you might like it!
24. Make a new friend. You never know what adventures you may get into!
25. Try making a few dishes per month from scratch. You may find a new favorite.
26. Try repairing something instead of buying new. It will save you cash and you will learn a skill.
27. Give away clothing you no longer wear. Not only will you clear your closet but the recipient is sure to appreciate it.
28. Try recycling more. You can make cash on items you recycle and it helps Mother Earth!
29. Visit family you haven’t seen in awhile. They are sure to enjoy catching up.
30. Cut back on bad habits such as smoking, nail chewing, or drinking. These are costly and negatively effect your health.
31. Start using chemical free products in your home. Why not start the New Year in a clean, chemical free space?
32. Get 8 hours of sleep per night. It will do wonders for your mood and your health.
33. Volunteer a few times a month at your child’s school. They can always use a hand.
34. Write a note once a week in your child’s lunch. They are sure to appreciate the gesture.
35. Enjoy dinner dates one night a month with each of your children. It is wonderful bonding time.
36. Don’t forget one date night a month for adults too! It can really help your relationship.
37. Where items out before buying new. It is the best way to get the most bang for your buck.
38. Use at least 5 coupons per shopping trip and watch your savings add up. Even just 5 coupons at $1 each is $5 off your bill.
39. Take the surveys on receipts to earn extra savings and be entered for cash contests.
40. Try creating a weekly budget for your family. It can help you plan your spending better and save you cash.
41. Try meal planning. Plan 3-5 meals for your family ahead of time per week.
42. Donate any items you aren’t using to charity and clear away the clutter while helping others.
43. Take a mini road trip. Just choose a direction and go for a weekend.
44. Give a stranger a compliment each day. It will lift their spirits as well as your own.
45. Get into the habit of smiling each day. It will do wonders for your mood and cheer up those around you.
46. Buy a new and fun color of lipstick. Try wearing it each day. Be brave!
47. Pick one closet a month and organize it. One a month keeps you from getting overwhelmed.
48. Stop spending time around negative people. They only drain your energy.
49. Meditate at the start of each day to find focus. It can help start the day on a strong foot.
50. Take in one fine arts event each month such as a concert or gallery event.
These 50 New Year’s resolutions are simple to implement but still give you the chance for a fruitful new year! Give them your consideration and see what a difference they can make for you in 2015!
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